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I am writing this post in anticipation of the future. I write this from Richmond, but when it is posted I will be in Israel. I have no idea what to expect. I imagine it is going to be spectacular. What I know is that my perspective is going to be changed. I know that as I write this now from my familiar office, my perspective has a sort of tunnel vision effect. After being in Israel, all sorts of things will appear different. I can’t wait!

Changing scenery should be a regular practice. When you or I get stuck, as we are so often prone to do, we should change our scenery. Relationships can benefit immensely from a change of scenery. Business problems can take on a completely different hue with a change of scenery. Personal problems for which no solution seems possible can open wide when viewed from a different place. A new place frees the mind from the constraints of familiarity.

Consider the following suggestions for fresh thinking:

  • When faced with something that needs fresh thought, add in a new place to spur new thinking.
  • Eliminate distractions as much as possible when changing scenery.
  • Add extra space (time) to place to get the best of new perspective. When faced with critical strategic planning, I suggest taking multiple days in a fresh place punctuated with lots of time to relax.
  • Add fresh faces to new scenery. The fresh perspective offered by the right person, in the right place acts like dynamite to a stale outlook.

Changing scenery is effective in small ways (taking a walk to clear the mind), and in large ways (going to a new place to address major life issues). It works for groups and individually. Creatively changing scenery has a surprising effect on mind, spirit, attitude, and even health.

I know my perspective will be changed in so many ways from my trip to Israel. I look forward to sharing my new perspective.

How has a change of scenery affected your perspective?

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  • Mom (Stella) Thompson says:

    Love your pictures. Yes, you are in a different world. What an incredible experience for you both.

    Summertime here in Richmond – in the 90’s, Keep safe and enjoy every minute of this amazing adventure. Love to you both.

  • Fred Larmore says:

    This is a great idea! Keep them coming, Tommy. And have a wonderful time in Israel. Are you with a group including my friend Martha B?

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