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We are entering the end of the first quarter of our time together in Mentoring. We hope your time together continues to be meaningful. We also hope that it gives you a taste of the importance of having one or two people in your life that you can be open to and grow with. These kinds of relationships should become a foundation of your life going forward.

Life Mission and Calling

Over 25 years ago, I walked through a self-directed process of developing a Life Mission Statement. At the time, I was immersed in running several businesses, but had a nagging sense that I was created for more than just making money in business. And so, I took a substantial amount of time over several months to begin to discern with the Lord who He created me to be and what He created me to do – my Life Mission.

On the surface, I thought clarifying my Life Mission would be easy; I was relatively self-aware. In reality, I found it to be much more difficult than I expected. I had a general sense of my “calling,” but Life Mission is more nuanced and personal than this. I dug deeply into my passions, my strengths and weaknesses, and my personality looking for themes and clues. In the end, I developed a personal Life Mission Statement that has affected everything I have done since that time.

A Life Mission Statement serves several key purposes.

First, Life Mission becomes a north star in your life. When I understand who God created me to be and what He calls me to do, I see clearly where I am pointed. This guides me and inspires me. Second, Life Mission becomes a filter that helps me understand where to spend my time and energy. It steers me through the maze of opportunities to my clear “Yes,” and more importantly, the necessary “No.” Consequently, our lives are simpler, more focused, and more fruitful.

As a part of our Mentoring year together, we are offering you the opportunity to walk together through the 5-part “Discovering Your Life Mission,” which is an online interactive journey to discern your Life Mission. My suggestion is that mentors and mentees walk through this process together, filling out sections on your own and then meeting together to discuss the results.

Each section takes about 30 minutes to complete. Section 1 and 2 can easily be done in one sitting, but the other sections will take a little more thought and time. I am including in this email a link to Part 1. As you fill it out, it will provide links to the subsequent parts of the online tool.

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