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The original impetus for beginning a Mentoring ministry at Hope was the conviction that too many Christians live disconnected lives without real relationships that ground them. Too many Christians live with hardship and questions with no one to share their struggle.

Ecclesiastes is clear: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up”(Eccl. 4:9-10).

We were meant for deep relationship.

We are the Body of Christ for one another. Large group worship is important and should be a habit for all of us. Small groups are great for expanding community. My deep conviction is that one on one, or one or two relationships are fundamental for all Christians at every stage of life. Growth accelerates in the vulnerability that comes in close relationship. Strive to live relationally.

When we finish our times with our mentors or mentees, I hope one of a few things will happen. I hope that each person will continue in close relationships. This could be as a mentor to someone, continuing to be mentored by someone, or in a peer mentoring relationship. 

A peer mentor is someone that you connect with in a similar stage and place in life with whom you can choose to walk together.

The process can be very similar to what you experienced this year. Find a friend that you think you might connect well with and invite him or her to breakfast, coffee, or lunch. You might begin like we did this year by just sharing your story. Then commit to getting together on a regular basis. That could be every week, every other week, or even once a month. You might try it for a few months and see how it goes.

I have been the beneficiary of several relationships like this, three which have gone on regularly for over 20 years. Without a doubt, I can honestly say that those relationships have changed my life. Hopefully, I have helped them too. We have walked through marriage, parenting, career transition, death of loved ones, questions of faith, and so much more. These relationships have been the source of incredible joy for me.

Close relationships rarely happen without intentionality.

Begin thinking and praying now about who you might consider as a peer mentor. Decades from now you might look back on this time as a turning point in who you have become. Live relationally!

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